Allowing more businesses to sell medical marijuana and edibles (SB 212). This Florida Senate bill would revise the state’s definition of edibles and low-THC cannabis products, as well as marijuana and marijuana delivery devices. In most cases, the definitions have merely been expanded to include medical marijuana retail facilities, alongside medical marijuana treatment centers, as legitimate places to obtain those products.

The bill would also make it illegal for qualified physicians and caregivers to have an economic interest in a medical marijuana retail facility.

SB 212 would have the most impact on medical marijuana retail facilities by authorizing them to sell marijuana, marijuana delivery devices, and edibles under a new set of requirements. If the bill became law, the state would begin issuing licenses to medical marijuana retail facilities in August 2020.

Approved facilities would have to work with a single treatment center to obtain and sell their products. The facilities themselves would not be allowed to produce the products.