In low quantities Cannabis can substantially reduce worry and anxiety. CBD, one of marijuana’s active ingredients that you’ll find most prevalent in indica strains, is effective at dealing with stress and anxiety. So, when you dose your herb properly according to the recommendation of a doctor, medical weed — particularly when using strains high in CBD and low in THC — could be a significantly safer and more effective alternative than the more traditional medications doctors commonly prescribe for panic disorder.
Although there is an abundance of anxiety medications, such as sedatives and SSRIs, those patients who aren’t happy often look for something more fast-acting and natural with less harsh side effects. For most of these patients, marijuana is the answer. There’s sound science behind cannabis containing compounds that work to reduce anxiety at a cellular level when dosed properly.
Animal and cell studies, patient self-reports and human trials all show marijuana causes sedation, leading to a decrease in anxiety in many patients. Certain studies involving healthy participants and animal models show CBD has anxiolytic-like effects and decreases anxiety in individuals who are struggling with social anxiety disorder.
Individuals with social phobia who used CBD experienced reduced discomfort, cognitive impairment and anxiety when asked to participate in a simulated public speaking situation.
Multiple factors contribute to cannabis’s effect on anxiety, including:
• Drug tolerance
• Strain composition
• Pre-existing conditions
• Environmental factors
All influence whether a person is relaxed or panicked after using medical weed.
Despite their popularity, many mainstream panic disorder medications come with agonizing side effects patients often find worse than the actual disorders themselves. Unlike cannabis, these medications lead to physical addiction and withdrawal when you stop them abruptly. Additionally, these medications may also lead to overdose — something that doesn’t ever happen with cannabis.
Medical marijuana has been widely studied as an anti-anxiety treatment and found to be beneficial to some sufferers of anxiety-related disorders. Studies have shown medical marijuana can cause anxiety in some patients
When anandamide,a neurotransmitter, reacts with the THC found in marijuana, it produces a calming or soothing effect throughout the body which can decrease the anxiety felt by a panic disorder sufferer, thereby reducing the likelihood of an attack.
Along with decreasing anxiety and stress for a panic disorder sufferer, medical marijuana has also been shown to decrease other symptoms of panic disorder such as nausea that often precipitates or accompanies a panic attack. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of the major components of medical marijuana. Clinical studies have shown CBD contains chemical properties with the ability to reduce anxiety, alleviate nausea and even prevent or reduce convulsions.
For sufferers of panic disorder, medical marijuana offers an alternative to traditional medications potentially offering the same benefits without many of the negative side-effects accompanying traditional medications.